The first step you should take before you start investing is to pay off as much debt as possible. Debt is a drag on your ability to save. Think of debt as a sack of potatoes that you have to carry over your back everywhere you go. By getting rid of the debt it takes that weight off your back which allows you to become lighter and move faster.
Before you start putting your money in a stock, bond, or money market fund you should build your savings first. A major reason why some investors fail is because they don't have a lot of cash to begin with and they risk too much too soon. If you're uncomfortable with an investment then you should consider taking steps to remove your uncertainty. You may want to research further into the company and if you're still uncertain then you can always choose another investment class altogether. A good rule to follow is that if you don't understand it, you shouldn't invest in it.
You want to separate your savings from your investments. Once you have enough money to start investing you should split your funds between a savings account and a mutual fund or money market account. You should have money in your savings so in case of emergencies you don't have to take money out of your investment account. One last tip for today is that you should build your investment capital by putting money in you money market mutual fund before you start to work with it.
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